Twenty-Five Ways To Celebrate Earth Day At The Office

Happy Earth Day!
Since 1970, 192 countries, annually celebrate and act to preserve our planet earth on April 22.
Do your part and keep the Earth Day Ticker rising, to achieve 2 billion acts of green.
Start now, with these 25 ways.
Use reusable
1. glasses, cups,
2. cutlery, dishes and
3. lunch bags.
Buy fair-trade and local
4. supplies, treats,
5. promotional items,
6. cleaning products and
7. coffee and tea.
Print smart
8. Use paper that is 100% recycled,
9. Transform scratch paper into note-pads.
10. Print double sided and in draft.
11. Use paper clips instead of staples.
12. Switch your magazine, newsletter or greeting cards to an e-version.
Be e-wise
13. Select the sleep or stand-by mode instead of your screen saver.
14. Unplug electronics over the weekend.
15. Unplug unused chargers.
16. Donate used electronic equipment to charities.
17. Bring electronics to an e-cyle centre.
18. Lower the lights.
19. Close the light as you leave the room, including the washroom.
20. Work in daylight without light bulbs or lamps.
21. Change lighting to LED.
Green your decor
22. Add low maintenance plants to your decor to get cleaner air.
23. Use non-toxic organic paints, material and furniture.
24. Encourage car-pooling and telecommuting.
25. Work clothes by donating them to a local organization such as Dress for Success.
What will you do to protect our planet; reduce, reuse or recycle? You have another tip? Please comment below or write to me.
Published April 22nd, 2014 Huffington Post (c) Julie Blais Comeau