Bye-bye 2019, yay 2020!

Another year and another decade are coming to an end. Tic, toc, tic, toc…
The countdown to your annual objectives is ticking…
If you have not checked one of your 2019 aspirations, there is still time. Do it. Say it. Register. Write. Call. Book it. Raise your hand. Say “yes”. Say “no”. Do whatever will allow you to toast you with pride when midnight strikes on December 31st.
3, 2, 1 …
“You are bright, you are beautiful, you are loving, oh so smart and yes very capable! GO! Just do it.”
For the past few days I have been looking into the rear view mirror of the last decade, the blossoming of my business. I am in awe of its journey: its results, the beautiful partners that I have, the inspiring people that I meet, the energizing mandates that are entrusted to me and the evolution of my mission. I am blessed.
From lefty gauche girl to etiquette expert, I became blogger, author, columnist, radio host, television host, spokesperson and coach. In answering your questions, my website,, has become the most complete online bilingual guide of modern manners. 🙂
Yes, I planned it. Yes, I worked hard. Out of naivety, I also often dared. And yes, on the other side of the coin, I have occasionally thought that maybe it was time to move on. Because, even if it is often exhilarating and very satisfying, without any guarantee, alone with one’s vision and a deep desire for contributing, being a solopreneure is a journey of rejections, tests, detours, errors and lessons learned, the hard way. It is always with humility that an entrepreneur gets back up, tries, tries again and finds the courage to continue. Then, the phone rings, an email pops, a proposal is accepted. I am invited. Yay! My mission is important.
Despite the roller-coaster ride, nothing equals the privilege of being able to create, to evolve with you, at your service.
Starting a business is also only possible with the support of others. Thank you (fill in your name) for your encouragement. Gratitude also goes out to my family and my friends. In their eyes I see myself better.
To finish 2019 and prepare for the next year, here are three short posts to read and put into action to shine at work and in your community:
- Your New Year’s Eve guide of dos, don’ts and good to know,
- Three words to master your professional reputation and
- Twelve actions to improve your LinkedIn profile.
Be you and shine on!