Adopt An Attitude Of Gratitude

#Gratitude. This hashtag is increasingly popular on social media.
What does gratitude mean? Here is Merriam-Webster’s definition: “the state of being grateful, thankfulness.”
Why are so many people fans of gratitude?
Gratitude is authentic unsolicited feedback and it rapidly becomes quite contagious. Gratitude is reciprocal and synergistic.
In a world of screens where egocentrism and individualism are increasingly present, adopting an attitude of gratitude at work can contribute to the well-being and motivation of employees. Appreciation also increases self-esteem and loyalty in business relationships.
As a bonus, several studies demonstrate that practicing daily gratitude contributes to better health for you and for those you recognize.
When you are grateful you feel better. You make people happy and are happy. When you recognize you contribute to a better world.
As I like to say, “Gratitude has exponential powers.”
Want to join the movement and positively impact your work world?
Here are eight ways to express gratitude at the office:
1. Say “Thank you.”
Instantly make the hours spent at work enjoyable by recognizing civil gestures or professional courtesies by acknowledging those who display these behaviours.
Someone holds the door for you: “Thank you.” Someone else tends or lends you an object: “Thank you.” Your boss gives you extra time for a project: “Thank you.” Someone does a favour for you or introduces you to a coveted contact: “Thank you.”
When saying thank you in person, take the time to communicate your gratitude. Pause. Stop what you are doing. Make contact with the other person. Look into his eyes. When appropriate, seal your gratitude with a handshake.
2. Make compliments.
Add specifics to your thank you and it becomes a compliment.
Name the actions, the effort, the quality or the observable results and your thank you and it blossoms from a polite courtesy to a professional compliment. A thank you that becomes a compliment is much more memorable. Don’t forget to personalize your appreciation by saying the name of its recipient.
“Hi Sam. I just presented our proposal to the executive team. Our CEO is thrilled with its image. With your designing skills, the promotional campaign has a great visual identity. I especially love the new logo that you created! Thank you!”
3. Put it in writing.
You know the saying “Actions speak louder than words?” Put your gratitude in writing and you automatically increase the power of your recognition.
Depending on your level of gratitude, you can write on: a sticky note that you put on his desk minutes before she returns from her break, in an email by taking care of putting his boss in CC or in a card that you send by mail.
You say you don’t have time to write thank-you notes? In 2014, Mark Zuckerberg, Mr. Facebook himself, challenged himself to writing a thank-you note a day. You have the same number of hours in a day as he does. Right? Write.
4. Acknowledge publicly.
During a meeting, on social media, to his superior, by referring him to a new customer, by nominating her for an honour — give visibility to the ones for which you’re grateful.
5. Reward with a treat or an activity.
Recognize the ones that go beyond expectations by rewarding them with a gift certificate to a bookstore or invite them for lunch. These small unexpected surprises are always appreciated.
Remember to accompany your reward with a gratitude note.
Rewarding the entire team is a very effective way to increase team cohesiveness. Do it by organizing a full candy bar for the afternoon break or by taking the team to a bowling alley. Personalize your gift. You know yours and your budget best. Be creative!
6. Give the gift of time.
Acknowledge an employee’s good deeds by allowing him to leave early or to take a paid day off.
7. Assign a new project or give a promotion.
Recognize the talents of your subordinates can also be demonstrated with a vote of confidence by presenting a new challenge.
8. Adopt a culture of gratitude.
Start your meetings with expressions of gratitude.
Assign a wall and encourage all employees to contribute notes of gratitude.
Whether you are the boss or a new recruit, watch, wait and catch someone doing something good. Acknowledge people, their talents and gifts.
Cheerfully appreciate. Do it earnestly and regularly not only to your subordinates and your peers, but also to your superiors, suppliers, partners and customers. It does not matter in which direction you appreciate; up, down or sideways, the benefits are all the same.
Because gratitude is contagious, let me begin a cycle of gratitude. #Gratitude to the Huffington Post Canada team and to you dear readers. Thank you for allowing me to do what I love.
Your turn!☺
Published May 16th, 2016 in the Huffington Post (c) Julie Blais Comeau.
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