Just wanted to thank you once again for such a great presentation last night! You are, by far, the best Etiquette & Protocol Consultant/teacher we have worked with and I am so happy that our students, plus myself, had an opportunity to learn from you. In their words: The workshop was captivating, insightful and fun!
Julie leaves our students and alumni with more confidence for networking and attending events. She teaches so much more than simply which fork to use — but also how to be comfortable and gracious in a variety of formal situations. University courses only go so far, and Julie helps bridge the professional development gap in an engaging, accessible and welcoming format.
Thank you for being so passionate about the product and being so committed to driving results. Partnering with you has given the brand enormous exposure and we appreciate how focused and positive you’ve been throughout the program.
I really enjoyed the (Business Cocktail Networking conference) event. I learned alot and actually put some of it into practise yesterday when having a business lunch!! Thank you for a very enjoyable evening and for all the tips and tricks, truly a wonderful experience.
…Mme Julie Blais Comeau à présenter « L’approche H2H; d’humain à humain, dans un cabinet dentaire ». Ce fut une superbe formation! Les informations qu’elle nous a alors communiquées ont été appréciées au plus haut point. Tous les participants sont ressortis outillé, motivé, avec le sentiment profond de pouvoir appliquer ce nouveau savoir…
Ce fut une présentation très inspirante. Ce sera un plaisir de vous accueillir à nouveau à HEC Montréal.